Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Striving to be a Submissive Wife

In my last post I mentioned that in my morning quiet time I was studying obedience. God has impressed upon me that serving God means obedience to God in all instances. I believe it is no coincidence that I got my hands on the book Created to be his Help Meet which discusses the concept of what it means to be a godly wife during this time. I had to read through the book relatively quickly to get through it all before it was due back at the library and felt as though I wasn't finished with this study. Well, I always say that our God is a God who provides. Yesterday I stumbled upon an online bible study called A Wife's Biblical Submission. This is an in depth study of Proverbs 31: 10-31. I have decided to participate in this and will be posting what God is teaching me through this study here on this blog.

For those of you who do not know me in real life and have just found this blog, here is a little bit about me:
My name is Trish. 22 years ago I married my high school sweetheart, Barry. We had our first date the day after my 15th birthday and there has never been another guy for me. We got married when I was 19 and he was 21. We have 6 children: four daughters ages 16, 13, 6, & 3 and two sons ages 8 & 17 months. We are a homeschooling family living on four acres in rural Indiana.

Our family leans to the creative side. I have a need to create. Some of my outlets for this are photography, digital scrapbooking, cooking, and sewing. My children, thus far, have followed suit. This is very evident in my oldest two daughters who are becoming amazing artists.

We also have a family business owning/managing two apartment buildings. This role is a constant challenge for me. It is definitely not my nature to be to be a landlord or a bookkeeper, but I am learning and growing and working on my attitude because I have come to realize that this is an area where I am truly a help meet to my husband.

I am hoping that through this study, I can learn more about my God-given role as a helper to my husband.

1 comment:

Sunny Shell said...

Precious sister Trish,


I'm very much looking forward to reading all that you plan to share about how God is teaching you and growing you as a biblical wife (which is such a challenge in this time and age)!

I'll be praying for you sister!

God bless you ♥,